[Wikimedia-boston] Information literacy and wikipedia
Jenemann, Laura
8 years ago
Hi all,

It was a pleasure seeing everyone yesterday and meeting some of you for the first time.

I’m leading a discussion group on information literacy and wikipedia and am looking for a few good articles for a general audience of library staff. For example:

Oliver, J. T. (2015). One-shot Wikipedia: an edit-sprint toward information literacy. Reference
Services Review, 43(1), 81–97. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-10-2014-0043

Seligman, A. I. (2013). Teaching Wikipedia without Apologies<http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dh/12230987.0001.001/1:6/--writing-history-in-the-digital-age?g=dculture;rgn=div1;view=fulltext;xc=1#6.3>. Writing History in the Digital Age.

Anyone have any suggestions to pass my way?

I’ve poured through the literature already but am wondering if there are book chapters that might be helpful.

Thanks for any suggestions you can provide!

Adam Hyland
8 years ago
Hi all,

I'm not super current on the literature but the non-profit I work for just
did some work in this area:

We've also got a handy handout (heh) on theories of knowledge production
wikipedia which has some useful links and blurbs.

Adam Hyland, work in progress
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